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Turkey Calls

3-Packs *Free Tin With ANY 3 Calls!*


Garret's signature series 3-pack

US$37.96 US$31.99

Garret's signature series 3-pack

US$37.96 US$31.99

The Homewrecker, Reaper, and the Patriot are included in this set as well as a free tin to store your calls! These are the calls that Garret relies on in the most. With these three calls in your arsenal, you should have everything covered!
Free tin with every 3-Pack!


The novice 3-pack

US$37.96 US$31.99

The novice 3-pack

US$37.96 US$31.99

The Crap Talker, Dirty Bird, and Ace In The Hole are included in this set as well as a free tin to store your calls!
If you're new to calling, or just want to see what kind of caller you are, this is the pack for you! It includes the three most basic cuts you can have, paired with very user-friendly reed builds. Grab yours now!
Free tin with every 3-Pack!

Build your own 3-Pack of Find A Way Outdoors turkey calls! Simply hit “Add to cart,” then put the names of the 3 calls you’d like in the comments section!

Free Tin with every 3-Pack!

New Release!

The Patriot


The Patriot


This call is extremely versatile.

It offers a broad rasp range that will lure in even the most stubborn birds.

Want to be aggressive with the cuts and yelps? No problem.

Need it for soft and subtle calling? It's perfect for that too.

This is the swiss army knife you need for a successful hunt!